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Membership | Guardian Membership Dues on Sale
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- Estimated Delivery : Up to 4 business days
- Free Shipping & Returns : On all orders over $200
Membership Payment Options: This year we are offering three payment options. Select the option from the dropdown menu. Please see in the attachment sent in the email for Membership Anniversary Dates on your anniversary you dues are due at that time and you have 3 months to complete the following.
- One Time Annual Payment of $3,000 plus tax
- 2 Payments of $1,500 each plus tax (1st on the anniversary date and 1 3 months later)
- Three Payments of $1,000 each plus tax (3 months in a row)
Type | Membership Payment, Annual Membership Payment, 3-Months Membership Payment, Oops I hit the wrong button and owe $500 |